Friday, January 14, 2011


This guy. WHAT a guy. I'll tell you what I like about this one right here. He is like a master nap taker, especially in cars. He can fall asleep instantly, and its beautiful, you know what I mean? No drooling, no obvious discomfort, just clean peaceful snoozing. Amazing. Impressive. Other adjectives.

But then there's this:

I have a tiny & completely rational fear of insects. I know what they're capable of, and this time of year they are in our homes searching for warmth, but only the warmth that human blood can provide. So shake your sheets. Check your boots. Check your ballet flats. Check all your shoes, man. Or else.

"Or else what?"

Or else death. Try to have a good weekend. 


  1. How DO guys do that, really? Benji can do it too at the drop of a hat. I don't get it.

    And about those spiders..they really are afraid of you, not the other way around. And did you ever get the bug vacuum?

    -Erin (we're hanging next week)

  2. They aren't afraid of you when you're sleeping! And no, I didn't. I must order it from Amazon, I need it. Let me know when you're available next week, I missssss you!

  3. i actually just laughed out loud. haha. :)

  4. I killed a spider in my kitch today. On the verge of death, me.
